Chapter 4.4

Hi, everyone, time for another Reagan update.

10-23-15_1-38-33 PM

Hey, Dana!

10-23-15_2-05-19 PM


10-23-15_2-08-40 PM

Kevin freaking out while cooking.

10-24-15_9-27-21 AM

I really like that the half walls can be different heights.

10-24-15_9-29-05 AM

Ari was sad because she had low social need, so Kevin fixed it.


10-24-15_9-30-34 AM

I’m not sure I approve of that for breakfast, Ari and Georgia.

10-24-15_9-31-38 AM

Caitlin: Pancakes make me flirty.

10-24-15_9-40-44 AM

Caitlin: I am probably the best Reagan spouse so far.

All of them have been great, Cait.

10-24-15_9-42-18 AM

The girls get home form school and Fran falls asleep on the path outside.

10-24-15_9-42-35 AM

You had ice cream for breakfast and now you’re having ice cream for an afternoon snack.

This is my fault for having so much ice cream available.

10-24-15_9-42-51 AM

Ice cream headaches happen when that’s all you eat.

10-24-15_9-43-16 AM

Careful there, Cait.

10-24-15_9-55-45 AM

Dana seems angry about something.

10-24-15_9-59-32 AM

Kev and Fran weren’t invited to this family meeting.

10-24-15_10-02-24 AM

It kinda looks like Fran was put in time out.

10-24-15_10-04-06 AM

Are you KIDDING me? Your bed is RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!

10-24-15_10-05-34 AM

*sigh* Ari…

10-24-15_10-06-48 AM

Well, at least Caitlin remembers where her bed is.

10-24-15_10-07-15 AM

This is the second time for Ari.

10-24-15_10-08-09 AM 10-24-15_10-08-30 AM

And then both Georgia and Ari fell asleep in the bath.

10-24-15_10-21-17 AM 10-24-15_10-48-23 AM 10-24-15_10-48-59 AM

Kevin invented the wormhole generator.

10-24-15_10-52-31 AM

Someone broke the dollhouse, and poor Ari is upset by it.

10-24-15_10-54-24 AM

Dana! What are you doing here?

Dana: You invited me.

10-24-15_10-57-12 AM

It’s Ari’s birthday!

10-24-15_11-07-32 AM

Arianna’s aspiration is Friend of the World, and her teen trait is Insane. Her other trait is Cheerful.

10-24-15_11-07-56 AM 10-24-15_11-08-09 AM 10-24-15_11-08-47 AM 10-24-15_11-09-17 AM

It’s nice to see family around.

10-24-15_11-09-35 AM

Cecil finds the broken dollhouse quite upsetting.

10-24-15_11-11-13 AM

Just like old days.

10-24-15_11-24-04 AM

You should be going to bed, little miss.

10-24-15_11-31-01 AM 10-24-15_11-31-09 AM

So I changed Arianna’s bedroom. Not sure the bed matches the rest, but that was the bed already in the family inventory so I didn’t have to buy a new one. Might just change the bedding at a later point.

10-24-15_11-45-19 AM 10-24-15_11-45-21 AM 10-24-15_11-45-22 AM 10-24-15_11-45-23 AM

Ari can do the alien secret handshake too.

10-24-15_11-46-42 AM

Ari fell asleep in the bath again.

10-24-15_12-06-46 PM

This is Ari’s everday look. I don’t use hats often so I thought I would.

10-24-15_12-08-32 PM 10-24-15_12-08-35 PM 10-24-15_12-08-38 PM

Kevin had his birthday to adult.

10-24-15_12-09-08 PM

I like Ari a lot.

Once Georgia and Fran are teenagers I’ll do another TH vote.

And I bet you’re wondering why you didn’t see Gwaine during the party. Well, I have some sad news.


Gwaine has sadly passed on. RIP Gwaine. You were my favourite of the third gen children. I can say that now because you’re all dead.

In other Reagan news, I’ve put Cecil up on the gallery, you can find him here, or in game, my EA ID is ginnymalfoy22.

Not sure when the next update will be, I might get in another one before November, but if not, probably not until December as I’m taking part in NaNoWriMo again.

10 thoughts on “Chapter 4.4

    • Ooh, that would be so cool if you did use him! I’d love to see him in someone else’s game/story.
      I have some Reagan family members up on the gallery, but most of them are saved to my library so I could put them up if I remembered while in game.


      • Saw you read my blog! Thanks a lot! And yes, Dil is great. Did you see the new one? I will use Cecil at some point, and my mod is Scumbumbo’s pregnancy mega mod on MTS. It does other things that I would class as cheating, like changing the number or gender, or speeding up the pregnancy. I’m only replying here because I’m at school and my school Wifi bans Blogger.


      • Of course I saw the new one! I woke up this morning to a new gaming video, the third this week. Are they trying to kill us???
        I might have to have a look at that mod, for other saves.


  1. They are of course trying to kill us. And about that mod- yeah, it’s useful. I only use it in this ISBI to scan, I don’t change the outcome of any pregnancy. The other functions…in other saves they are misused horribly.


      • I just pull shit like torturing a Sim with triplets, then pregnant again, then I use the mod to put her in labour again and then I see how she copes without my help…


      • Oh no. I feel like I would do it more for story purposes. When I was playing TS3 and writing the Gilberts I did pick and choose gender and number at times (it was a legacy in the loosest term of the word, I was playing them for story purposes more than anything else, and may do it for TS4 in the future), or if I’m playing a non-canon OTP and I want to decide exactly which children they had (or even a canon OTP, however few of those I have).
        Torturing sims is fun too, though.


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