Simblr + Other Sims Stories

Hey everyone, it’s not quite time for another Reagan update, but I did want to make this post about my simblr and the other sim stories I have going on.

Currently on my simblr I’m playing a TS3 save, The Kleos Famacy, which started oh so many years ago on a wordpress blog like this one, but I lost hte save, and had to go back a generation and continue it from there, and so I’ve been finishing that on my simblr.

I also have an unfinished legacy, A Dash of Magic, which is still in Gen 1 and I do intend on finishing that one at some point.

I’ve also started a TS4 100 Baby Challenge but I haven’t started posting about that yet.

Why is all that there and this here? I don’t know. It just is.

If you’re interested in any of this, my simblr is here.

You can read the Kleos Famacy from the beginning here (please don’t judge me I started it five years ago wow) and the continuation of it here. I also have an heir poll for the Kleoses running at the moment, the post for the heir poll is here.  It would be really great if you could check it out and vote!

And, for old times sake, even though it’s been finished for 2 and a 1/2 years, I have the Gilbert Vampiracy.

Thank you everyone!

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